Just in case you don't want to look at the whole infographic - you can see the toilet germs ON YOUR TOOTHBRUSH bit and move on. :)

OMG Toilet Germs on Your Toothbrush.

SERIOUSLY – – toilet germs on your toothbrush. Gak! For that alone (well, maybe that plus the creepy celebrity pictures – is it me or do they all look a little shady???) this infographic is totally worth it. And thanks so much to reader Mike for the suggestion – seriously, that’s kind of awesome.  Now – close the toilet lid already. Forget Fung Shui, this is a far more compelling reason. It’s toilet germs ON YOUR TOOTHBRUSH. God I’m scarred for life.


Just in case you don't want to look at the whole infographic - you can see the toilet germs ON YOUR TOOTHBRUSH bit and move on. :)

Just in case you don’t want to look at the whole infographic – you can see the toilet germs ON YOUR TOOTHBRUSH bit and move on. 🙂

Germ Warfare
Source: OnlineMastersinPublicHealth.com