This week I had the lovely opportunity to be on Blog Talk Radio with Erin Chamerlik, The Real Food Revivalist- see Her listeners wanted to know a little bit more about MTHFR mutation. You can listen to the recording here:
MTHFR Basics Podcast with Dr. Amy Neuzil, ND on The Real Food Revivalist Show
Listen for answers to questions like:
- What is the MTHFR mutation?
- Is it Common?
- What are the implications for fertility and mood?
- What sort of testing is available for MTHFR?
- How do you start supplementing with 5-LMTHF?
- Doesn’t this have to do with detoxification too?
I hope you enjoy this free podcast and if you have any questions for me please feel free to post them as comments. 🙂